About Us

Our Mission
“Motivated by the love of Christ, and in obedience to His command to serve the poor, the Good Samaritan Clinic exists to provide primary medical and dental care to the uninsured of the community through volunteer providers.”
Our History
- Need determined for Medical care for the poor and uninsured in West Volusia County.
- The name Good Samaritan Clinic is chosen.
- Mary Gusky named Administrator.
- Dr. Larry Gilliard- chosen Medical Director.
- Fundraiser dinner held July 19, 2007.
- First patient qualified on October 19, 2007.
- Doors open for patient consultations on October 22, 2007.
- Need determined for Dental care for the poor and uninsured of West Volusia County.
- Herminia Rodriguez offers contents and location of her dental office to Good Samaritan Clinical.
- Good Samaritan opens in Orange City on September 14, 2009.
- Dr. Michael Kelly chosen as Dental Director.
- Dr. Patel took over as Dental Director.
- Dinner to merge both clinics to one campus. Money raised bought the Plymouth Avenue property.
- Dr. Lyle Wadsworth takes over as Medical Director.
- March 2013 Good Samaritan Medical/Dental Clinic opens on Plymouth Ave.
- Work to obtain a pharmacy license.
- Annex “INN” purchased to house the pharmacy, mental health, diabetic education and Marketing offices
- Pharmacy opens with Bob Lazar, Paul Thompson and James Graddy as Pharmacists in January 2016.
- Dr. Batten becomes Dental Director.
- Started accepting applications for Elder Services in January. Elder Services was set up to provide glasses, dentures and hearing aids to those 55 and older who may have insurance but could not afford to get these items. Patients must meet qualifications.
- The Good Samaritan Clinic closes its doors March 21 due to Covid 19.
- Reopened June 1, 2020 with full Medical and Dental. The Pharmacy never closed.
- July 2020 Mary Gusky becomes the Executive Director.
- Co- Administrators Terry Daniels and Bill Feyk oversee daily operations of the clinic.
- February of 2022 Dr. Martin Prado becomes the Medical Director
- September of 2022 Pharmacist Leo Fernandez joins the Pharmacy team.
- February of 2023 Dr. Jan Westberry named Dental Director
- March of 2023 Becky Morey becomes Administrator
- April of 2023 Closed pharmacy doors at clinic, Pierson Pharmacy takes over
- May of 2023 Had to close the main clinic due to building issues, continued seeing medical patients next door in the Inn
- August of 2023 Demo of the west end of building
- September of 2023 Reopened the clinic, the Inn is now administrative offices and mental health offices
- Gov. Ron DeSantis changes the eligibility requirement from 200% Federal Poverty Level to 300% Federal Poverty Level in order to qualify for services